Privacy Policy

1. Imenab Espadana Company, emphasizing its respect for the privacy of Imenab website users, requests information from users to order purchases, register opinions, or use certain website features to provide secure and reliable services to users. For order processing and delivery, information such as address, phone number, and email is required. Since all activities of the Imenab site are legal and based on e-commerce laws, during the purchase process, an official invoice is issued, and upon the request of legal clients, a value-added certificate is issued, thus entering information such as name and national code for individuals or economic code and national ID for legal entity purchases is necessary. It should be noted that the email address and phone numbers that the customer registers in their profile are the only official and approved email address and phone numbers of the customer, and all correspondence and company responses are conducted through them.
2. Entering the address, email, and contact numbers, both mobile and landline, by the customer signifies their correctness, and if the aforementioned details are not entered correctly or completely, Imenab Espadana Company may request additional information from the customer to ensure the accuracy and finalization of the order.
3. Customers can enter the name, address, and phone number of another person to receive the order, and Imenab Espadana Company will only use this information for the delivery of the same order while respecting privacy.
4. Also, the Imenab site, by installing or using the application, collects the following information from the user anonymously, with the user’s permission. This information is collected to the extent necessary and for purposes such as studying the cause of error reports, improving system problems, user experience when using the Imenab Espadana website and application, as well as marketing research, and providing services and suitable purchase suggestions to users, and is used in a way that is not directly linked to a specific and definite individual.
5. The type of device, language, and type of device operating system, your device’s Android ID, and Android advertising ID, searches made on the Imenab website and application, selected results, duration, and intervals of your use of the Imenab site, installed programs, technical information, and server reports including network type and browser version and similar cases are only used by Imenab Espadana Company and are not provided to any other business partner. Also, if requested by the user, the previous information will be deleted, and thereafter this information will not be retrieved.
6. In case of crashes, the following information is collected from the user’s account to study the cause of the crash and fix errors: the device’s rooted status, total RAM and amount of space used during the crash, event date and time, wireless network on or off, data network on or off, roaming status on or off.
7. Imenab Espadana Company may send emails or text messages to website members for event announcements, news, special services and promotions. If users do not wish to receive such emails and text messages, they can unsubscribe from the Imenab site newsletter in their profile. Failure to act to unsubscribe is considered implicit consent to receive emails and messages and waives any right to object.
8. Imenab Espadana Company may edit user-submitted reviews and comments in accordance with website policies. Furthermore, if a comment or message sent by the user contains criminal content, Imenab Espadana Company can use the registered information for legal pursuit. Users, while using the Imenab website services, grant the right to edit and use their information to Imenab Espadana Company within the above-mentioned framework and waive the right to object.
9. It should be emphasized that maintaining the confidentiality of the password and username is the responsibility of the users, and therefore, to prevent any possible misuse, users should not disclose such information to anyone else. If a user transfers their mobile number to another person, to prevent misuse or potential problems, users should change and register their new mobile number in their profile; otherwise, the responsibility for any misuse or criminal actions with the previous number lies with the user.
10. The responsibility for any potential damages resulting from the failure to comply with the above-mentioned points lies with the user, and the user waives any claims against Imenab Espadana Company and the Imenab website. Imenab Espadana Company considers the personal identity of users confidential and does not transfer their personal information to any other person or organization unless required to do so by a competent judicial or administrative authority or according to the prevailing laws and regulations of the country. In such cases, Imenab Espadana Company bears no legal responsibility, and users, by expressing their satisfaction with this matter through the use of website services, waive any right to object.
11. Users are also informed that the Imenab website, like other websites, uses IP collection and cookies. A cookie is a file created by a browser at the request of a site that allows the site to save your visits and customize them. Many browsers provide the ability to disable cookies; to do this, you can consult browser guides. However, Imenab Espadana Company uses protocols, servers, and security layers of the site and appropriate data management methods to protect user information and prevent unauthorized access. Naturally, the responsibility for any misuse lies with the offending person(s), and Imenab Espadana Company reserves the right to object and pursue legal action at its discretion.
12. Imenab Espadana Company uses all available resources to protect and maintain user information and privacy and hopes to provide a safe, convenient, and pleasant shopping experience for all users.